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Becoming A Difference Maker

1 min read

n<div class=\"e-content entry-content \"n data-num-pics=\"1\">nn <div class=\"photo-view\">n <a href=\"\"n data-gallery=\"Becoming A Difference Maker\"n data-original-img=\"\"n data-title=\"Becoming A Difference Maker\"n data-footer=\"ANNANDALE, Va. &mdash;&nbsp;I participated in the&nbsp;kick off Difference Maker Seminar event at Capital Baptist Church. The goal is to train 200 people in January 2019&nbsp;who will begin using&nbsp;their everyday lives&nbsp;and stories to make a difference in the lives of those who don&rsquo;t know Jesus.&nbsp;Everyone who attended&nbsp;the event received a free copy of The Difference Maker: Using Your Everyday Life for Eternal Impact&nbsp;by Nelson Searcy.nThis photo originally appeared on from Capital Baptist Church.n#DifferenceMakern&nbsp;\"><imgn src=\"\" class=\"u-photo\"n alt=\"Becoming A Difference Maker\"/></a>n </div>n <p><strong>ANNANDALE, Va. — </strong>I participated in the <span style=\"color: #1d2129;\">kick off Difference Maker Seminar event at <a title=\"Capital Baptist Church\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">Capital Baptist Church</a>. The goal is to train 200 people in January 2019 who will begin using their everyday lives and stories to make a difference in the lives of those who don’t know Jesus.</span> Everyone who attended the event received a free copy of <strong><em>The Difference Maker: Using Your Everyday Life for Eternal Impact</em></strong> by <a title=\"Nelson Searcy\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">Nelson Searcy</a>.</p><p><em>This photo originally appeared on from <a title=\"Capital Baptist Church at\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">Capital Baptist Church</a>.</em></p><p><a href=\"\" class=\"p-category\" rel=\"tag\">#DifferenceMaker</a></p><p> </p>n</div>n