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Little Kent 2 celebrating the last day of 5th Grade

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n<div class=\"e-content entry-content \"n data-num-pics=\"1\">nn <div class=\"photo-view\">n <a href=\"\"n data-gallery=\"Little Kent 2 celebrating the last day of 5th Grade\"n data-original-img=\"\"n data-title=\"Little Kent 2 celebrating the last day of 5th Grade\"n data-footer=\"ANNANDALE, Va. &mdash; Little Kent 2 is all smiles as he celebrates the last day of elementary school. \"><imgn src=\"\" class=\"u-photo\"n alt=\"Little Kent 2 celebrating the last day of 5th Grade\"/></a>n </div>n <p><strong>ANNANDALE, Va. —</strong> Little Kent 2 is all smiles as he celebrates the last day of elementary school. <a href=\"\" class=\"p-category\" rel=\"tag\">#TeamKent</a></p>n</div>n


Annandale\'s 14U Lacrosse Coaches defeated the 14U Players 10-3

1 min read

n<div class=\"e-content entry-content \"n data-num-pics=\"1\">nn <div class=\"photo-view\">n <a href=\"\"n data-gallery=\"Annandale\'s 14U Lacrosse Coaches defeated the 14U Players 10-3\"n data-original-img=\"\"n data-title=\"Annandale\'s 14U Lacrosse Coaches defeated the 14U Players 10-3\"n data-footer=\"ANNANDALE, Va. &mdash; The coaching staff of the Annandale Youth Lacrosse League defeated the 14U players on Saturday at Annandale High School, 10-3 to end the season. To view photos from the game visit&nbsp; \"><imgn src=\"\" class=\"u-photo\"n alt=\"Annandale\'s 14U Lacrosse Coaches defeated the 14U Players 10-3\"/></a>n </div>n <p><strong>ANNANDALE, Va. —</strong> The coaching staff of the Annandale Youth Lacrosse League defeated the 14U players on Saturday at Annandale High School, 10-3 to end the season. To view photos from the game visit <a href=\"\"></a>. <a href=\"\" class=\"p-category\" rel=\"tag\">#LacrosseDad</a> <a href=\"\" class=\"p-category\" rel=\"tag\">#AnnandaleLacrosse</a> <a href=\"\" class=\"p-category\" rel=\"tag\">#LAXDad</a> <a href=\"\" class=\"p-category\" rel=\"tag\">#PreciousFatherMoments</a> <a href=\"\" class=\"p-category\" rel=\"tag\">#SealTeamStix</a> <a href=\"\" class=\"p-category\" rel=\"tag\">#TeamKent</a></p>n</div>n


Little Kent 2 finishes first in the Losing 2 Live Kid\'s 1K Fun Run

1 min read

n<div class=\"e-content entry-content \"n data-num-pics=\"1\">nn <div class=\"photo-view\">n <a href=\"\"n data-gallery=\"Little Kent 2 finishes first in the Losing 2 Live Kid\'s 1K Fun Run\"n data-original-img=\"\"n data-title=\"Little Kent 2 finishes first in the Losing 2 Live Kid\'s 1K Fun Run\"n data-footer=\"ANNANDALE, Va &mdash; Little Kent 2 finished first in the Losing 2 Live Kid\'s 1K Fun Run hosted by Capital Baptist Church. The Kid\'s 1K Fun Run is a race for kid\'s 12 and under.View additional photos from the morning at \"><imgn src=\"\" class=\"u-photo\"n alt=\"Little Kent 2 finishes first in the Losing 2 Live Kid\'s 1K Fun Run\"/></a>n </div>n <p><strong>ANNANDALE, Va —</strong> Little Kent 2 finished first in the Losing 2 Live Kid\'s 1K Fun Run hosted by <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">Capital Baptist Church</a>. The Kid\'s 1K Fun Run is a race for kid\'s 12 and under.View additional photos from the morning at <a href=\"\"></a>. <a href=\"\" class=\"p-category\" rel=\"tag\">#TeamKent</a> <a href=\"\" class=\"p-category\" rel=\"tag\">#ProudDad</a> <a href=\"\" class=\"p-category\" rel=\"tag\">#PreciousFatherMoments</a> <a href=\"\" class=\"p-category\" rel=\"tag\">#Losing2Live</a></p>n</div>n


Today’s Special Moment: Mason Crest (@MasonCrestES) 5th Grade Promotion Ceremony

1 min read

n<div class=\"e-content entry-content \"n data-num-pics=\"1\">nn <div class=\"photo-view\">n <a href=\"\"n data-gallery=\"Today’s Special Moment: Mason Crest (@MasonCrestES) 5th Grade Promotion Ceremony\"n data-original-img=\"\"n data-title=\"Today’s Special Moment: Mason Crest (@MasonCrestES) 5th Grade Promotion Ceremony\"n data-footer=\"ANNANDALE, Va &mdash; Celebrating with Little Kent 2 and his Mason Crest ES classmates as they are promoted to the 6th grade. To view additional photos from the ceremony visit 6/11/18n&nbsp;\"><imgn src=\"\" class=\"u-photo\"n alt=\"Today’s Special Moment: Mason Crest (@MasonCrestES) 5th Grade Promotion Ceremony\"/></a>n </div>n <p><strong>ANNANDALE, Va —</strong> Celebrating with Little Kent 2 and his Mason Crest ES classmates as they are promoted to the 6th grade. To view additional photos from the ceremony visit <a href=\"\" class=\"p-category\" rel=\"tag\">#PreciousFatherMoments</a> <a href=\"\" class=\"p-category\" rel=\"tag\">#MasonCrestTigers</a> <a href=\"\" class=\"p-category\" rel=\"tag\">#TeamKent</a> 6/11/18</p><p> </p>n</div>n



1 min read

n<div class=\"e-content entry-content \"n data-num-pics=\"1\">nn <div class=\"photo-view\">n <a href=\"\"n data-gallery=\"CHAMPIONS!!!\"n data-original-img=\"\"n data-title=\"CHAMPIONS!!!\"n data-footer=\"HERNDON, Va. &mdash; The Annandale Seal Team Stix defeated McLean, 8-5, to win the&nbsp;NVYLL Boys 14ULB1 Championship. The win cemented the teams tournament run which included victories over the #3 seed Vienna, the #1 seed Gainesville, and the #2 seed McLean. The Stix entered the tournament as the #5 seed.nTo view photos from the game and the post-game celebration visit;#LAXDad&nbsp;#YouthLacrosse&nbsp;#AnnandaleLacrosse&nbsp;#SealTeamStix&nbsp;#TeamKent&nbsp;#LAXChamps&nbsp;\"><imgn src=\"\" class=\"u-photo\"n alt=\"CHAMPIONS!!!\"/></a>n </div>n <p><strong>HERNDON, Va. —</strong> The Annandale Seal Team Stix defeated McLean, 8-5, to win the NVYLL Boys 14ULB1 Championship. The win cemented the teams tournament run which included victories over the #3 seed Vienna, the #1 seed Gainesville, and the #2 seed McLean. The Stix entered the tournament as the #5 seed.</p><p>To view photos from the game and the post-game celebration visit <a href=\"\"></a>. <a class=\"p-category\" style=\"color: #8cbf99;\" href=\"\" rel=\"tag\"></a><a href=\"\" class=\"p-category\" rel=\"tag\">#LAXDad</a><span style=\"color: #222222;\"> </span><a class=\"p-category\" style=\"color: #8cbf99;\" href=\"\" rel=\"tag\"></a><a href=\"\" class=\"p-category\" rel=\"tag\">#YouthLacrosse</a><span style=\"color: #222222;\"> </span><a class=\"p-category\" style=\"color: #8cbf99;\" href=\"\" rel=\"tag\"></a><a href=\"\" class=\"p-category\" rel=\"tag\">#AnnandaleLacrosse</a><span style=\"color: #222222;\"> </span><a class=\"p-category\" style=\"color: #8cbf99;\" href=\"\" rel=\"tag\"></a><a href=\"\" class=\"p-category\" rel=\"tag\">#SealTeamStix</a><span style=\"color: #222222;\"> </span><a class=\"p-category\" style=\"color: #8cbf99;\" href=\"\" rel=\"tag\"></a><a href=\"\" class=\"p-category\" rel=\"tag\">#TeamKent</a><span style=\"color: #222222;\"> <a href=\"\" class=\"p-category\" rel=\"tag\">#LAXChamps</a> </span></p>n</div>n