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Fort Pulaski National Monument

Fort Pulaski National Monument
Fort Pulaski National Monument
Fort Pulaski National Monument

SAVANNAH, Ga. — Located at the mouth of the Savannah River, Fort Pulaski was designed to protect the important strategic port of Savannah after the War of 1812. In April 1862, Union Forces forced the surrender of the fort from Confederate forces after heavy bombardment. Under Union control, the fort was a major part of the Union blockade of Savannah and was a final destination on the Underground Railroad. In October 1864, it was converted into a prison. It held prisoners such as the captured president of the Confederate States, Jefferson Davis, three Confederate cabinet officers (Secretary of State Robert M. T. Hunter, Secretary of the Treasury George A. Trenholm, and Secretary of War James H. Seddon), three governors, and one senator.
