n<div class=\"e-content entry-content\">n<p><strong>ARLINGTON, Va. —</strong> The Cub Scouts of Pack 150 participated in the Raingutter Regatta on Saturday, July 11, 2015 at Lubber Run Park. </p><p><img src=\"http://absolonkent.net/file/375793a078a64a6228fa8cf7274f174b\" alt=\"\" width=\"400\" height=\"300\"></p><p>During the event, each scout created a paper ship to sail in the competition and particpated in two heats. </p><p><img src=\"http://absolonkent.net/file/319dafdc4a8e5ff8cd2799552d18ef3c\" alt=\"\" width=\"300\" height=\"400\"> <img src=\"http://absolonkent.net/file/c912d9ca7dc8c26bdc62dbaab6f03ea2\" alt=\"\" width=\"300\" height=\"400\"></p><p>Little Kent 2 created a paper yacht named the S.S. Nature\'s Ship and won his first heat, but it took on water during the second heat, finishing in second place. He was awarded a second place ribbon for the day.</p><p><img src=\"http://absolonkent.net/file/5024124467223d9497cd1385e95725b1\" alt=\"Little Kent 1 Raingutter Regatta ribbon\" width=\"400\" height=\"300\"></p><p>Little Kent 1\'s green canoe proved to be an overall winner. He easily won both heats and took home a first place ribbon.</p><p>For photos from the event, visit <a title=\"Raingutter Regata photos\" href=\"http://absolonkent.net/photogallery/#32\">absolonkent.net/photogallery/#32</a></p></div>n