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Walking the National Mall

Walking the National Mall

WASHINGTON — I enjoyed today’s walk with my fellow Savannah State alum and soror L. Michelle Woods and Miss G. (Go Bubbles Soap) around parts of the National Mall. Our stops included the Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr., and World War II memorials, and the Washington Monument.


Where Do I Go From Here?

2 min read

by MIDN 4/C Absolon Kent

Originally printed in the Fall 1989 edition of the Savannah State College NROTC 1MC

Upon first arrival at Savannah State College, many students pondered: “Now that I’m here, where do I go from here?” Finding ourselves away from home for the first time and surrounded by other confused and worried students, we realized that we were in what seemed like an entirely new and different world. Some lost, some unsure, some afraid, we collectively wondered which way to go. Where are the dorms? Where is the administration building? Where do I pay? What’s to eat?

Fortunately, help and assistance was close at hand. Guides and aides were assigned to this new crop of “lost souls” to make our transition to college life easier. The Comprehensive Counseling Center staff and the 1989-90 Peer Counselors, better known as “friendly beings” were prepared to give students a warm and family-like welcome. Promoting a new attitude of togetherness, these campus organizations compiled a list of various activities for the new frosh. Through information assemblies, mixers, outdoor block parties, and other presentations, we all learned that we were not alone. Freshman Orientation Week began with a “New Student Get Acquainted Mixer.” Other activities included: an Alma Mater Sing-out – a fun and sometimes spirited competition, pep rallies for the “Mighty Tigers” football team, campus and Greek organization presentations, quiz competitions, and many others. It was a busy and fun-filled week. In fact, so busy that we quickly forgot we were “lost.” We have found a new family – the SSC family. We new “Tiger Cubs” learned a lot about SSC, each other, and ourselves. Many of the friendships and skills gained through the week are ones that will last me and many of the students a lifetime.

The answer to the question “Where do I go from here?” UP!; because of such a successful beginning.