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SSUNAA 2018 Awards Banquet

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n<div class=\"e-content entry-content \"n data-num-pics=\"1\">nn <div class=\"photo-view\">n <a href=\"\"n data-gallery=\"SSUNAA 2018 Awards Banquet \"n data-original-img=\"\"n data-title=\"SSUNAA 2018 Awards Banquet \"n data-footer=\"SAVANNAH, Ga. &mdash; Celebrating SSU&rsquo;s Homecoming 2018 with Ms. SSUNAA Washington DC Chapter, LaShundra Worthy, and the SSUNAA Alumni of the Year, Charles Young, during the alumni dinner cruise. \"><imgn src=\"\" class=\"u-photo\"n alt=\"SSUNAA 2018 Awards Banquet \"/></a>n </div>n <p><strong>SAVANNAH, Ga. —</strong> Celebrating SSU’s Homecoming 2018 with Ms. SSUNAA Washington DC Chapter, LaShundra Worthy, and the SSUNAA Alumni of the Year, Charles Young, during the alumni dinner cruise. <a href=\"\" class=\"p-category\" rel=\"tag\">#SSUHomecoming</a> <a href=\"\" class=\"p-category\" rel=\"tag\">#SSUx18</a> <a href=\"\" class=\"p-category\" rel=\"tag\">#DCChapter</a></p>n</div>n


SSUNAA Washington DC Chapter\'s 60th Anniversary Celebration

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n<div class=\"e-content entry-content \"n data-num-pics=\"1\">nn <div class=\"photo-view\">n <a href=\"\"n data-gallery=\"SSUNAA Washington DC Chapter\'s 60th Anniversary Celebration\"n data-original-img=\"\"n data-title=\"SSUNAA Washington DC Chapter\'s 60th Anniversary Celebration\"n data-footer=\"LARGO, Md. &mdash; The&nbsp;Savannah State University National Alumni Association Washington DC Chapter held it\'s 60th Anniversary Celebration on October 13. To view more photos from the event, visit;\"><imgn src=\"\" class=\"u-photo\"n alt=\"SSUNAA Washington DC Chapter\'s 60th Anniversary Celebration\"/></a>n </div>n <p><strong>LARGO, Md. —</strong> The <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">Savannah State University National Alumni Association Washington DC Chapter</a> held it\'s 60th Anniversary Celebration on October 13. To view more photos from the event, visit <a href=\"\"></a>.</p><p> </p>n</div>n


Get all the details at

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n<div class=\"e-content entry-content \"n data-num-pics=\"1\">nn <div class=\"photo-view\">n <a href=\"\"n data-gallery=\"Get all the details at\"n data-original-img=\"\"n data-title=\"Get all the details at\"n data-footer=\"#ssuhomecoming \"><imgn src=\"\" class=\"u-photo\"n alt=\"Get all the details at\"/></a>n </div>n <p><a href=\"\" class=\"p-category\" rel=\"tag\">#ssuhomecoming</a> <a href=\"\" class=\"p-category\" rel=\"tag\">#ssunaa</a> <a href=\"\" class=\"p-category\" rel=\"tag\">#ssuhomecoming2016</a> <a href=\"\" class=\"p-category\" rel=\"tag\">#SSUAlumni</a> <a href=\"\" class=\"p-category\" rel=\"tag\">#SSUHC2K16</a> <a href=\"\" class=\"p-category\" rel=\"tag\">#HailSSU</a> <a href=\"\" class=\"p-category\" rel=\"tag\">#ClawDown</a> <a href=\"\" class=\"p-category\" rel=\"tag\">#GoSSU</a></p>n</div>n


It\'s Homecoming Week at SSU!

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n<div class=\"e-content entry-content \"n data-num-pics=\"1\">nn <div class=\"photo-view\">n <a href=\"\"n data-gallery=\"It\'s Homecoming Week at SSU!\"n data-original-img=\"\"n data-title=\"It\'s Homecoming Week at SSU!\"n data-footer=\"#ssuhomecoming \"><imgn src=\"\" class=\"u-photo\"n alt=\"It\'s Homecoming Week at SSU!\"/></a>n </div>n <p><a href=\"\" class=\"p-category\" rel=\"tag\">#ssuhomecoming</a> <a href=\"\" class=\"p-category\" rel=\"tag\">#SSUNAA</a> <a href=\"\" class=\"p-category\" rel=\"tag\">#SSUalumni</a> <a href=\"\" class=\"p-category\" rel=\"tag\">#ssuhc2k16</a> <a href=\"\" class=\"p-category\" rel=\"tag\">#hailssu</a></p>n</div>n


Thursday, October 27 at Savannah State University Homecoming 2016

1 min read

n<div class=\"e-content entry-content \"n data-num-pics=\"1\">nn <div class=\"photo-view\">n <a href=\"\"n data-gallery=\"Thursday, October 27 at Savannah State University Homecoming 2016\"n data-original-img=\"\"n data-title=\"Thursday, October 27 at Savannah State University Homecoming 2016\"n data-footer=\"#ssuhomecoming2016 \"><imgn src=\"\" class=\"u-photo\"n alt=\"Thursday, October 27 at Savannah State University Homecoming 2016\"/></a>n </div>n <p><a href=\"\" class=\"p-category\" rel=\"tag\">#ssuhomecoming2016</a> <a href=\"\" class=\"p-category\" rel=\"tag\">#ssuhc2k16</a> <a href=\"\" class=\"p-category\" rel=\"tag\">#SSUalumni</a> <a href=\"\" class=\"p-category\" rel=\"tag\">#SSUNAA</a> <a href=\"\" class=\"p-category\" rel=\"tag\">#ssuhomecoming</a> <a href=\"\" class=\"p-category\" rel=\"tag\">#hailssu</a></p>n</div>n