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Tough Game in the Rain

1 min read

n<div class=\"e-content entry-content \"n data-num-pics=\"1\">nn <div class=\"photo-view\">n <a href=\"\"n data-gallery=\"Tough Game in the Rain\"n data-original-img=\"\"n data-title=\"Tough Game in the Rain\"n data-footer=\"ANNANDALE, Va. &mdash; Another tough one&nbsp;in the rain as the Red Dragons lost&nbsp;today in soccer, but the kids continued to play hard and work together as a team.&nbsp;n#GoRedDragons \"><imgn src=\"\" class=\"u-photo\"n alt=\"Tough Game in the Rain\"/></a>n </div>n <p><strong>ANNANDALE, Va. —</strong> Another tough one in the rain as the Red Dragons lost today in soccer, but the kids continued to play hard and work together as a team. </p><p><a href=\"\" class=\"p-category\" rel=\"tag\">#GoRedDragons</a> <a href=\"\" class=\"p-category\" rel=\"tag\">#YouthSoccer</a></p>n</div>n